Our Markets

Our biggest market is Germany. But products from Nowa Wieś Legnicka also go to many other countries. Our network of cooperation partners successfully sells machines and complete assembly lines all over the world. The European Union market is very important for us. In addition to the already mentioned Germany, products with our company logo are delivered to France, Italy, Spain, Ireland and Romania. We also export to the North and South American markets as well as to the fast-growing Asian market. Customers from China, Thailand and Singapore buy our machines. Although the domestic market currently accounts for less than 15% of production, it remains the focus of interest for our company as many investments are still expected in Poland. 

HURAS K i B M S Sp. z o. o.
Sławomir Donczyk
ul. Nowa Wieś Legnicka 102
PL-59-241 Legnickie Pole
Valerio Zuccali
Via Campagnola 26
CH-6854 San Pietro
Stéphane Haroyan
435, rue Paradis
F-13008 Marseille
Hugo Zimmermann
Auriedstrasse 60
CH-3178 Bösingen
Consulent Pressen & Vorschubtechnik
Karl Jun
Tecnología de estampación metálica, sl

Juan Zoroa

Carrer dels Rossinyols, 7
E-08230 Matadepera (Barcelona)
Telephone: 00 34 609 86 25 79

Tecnología de estampación metálica, sl

Pod Sternberkem 306
763 02 Zlin, Louky
Czech Republic
Tel.: 00420 577 607 315
Mobil: 00420 777 945 957